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Welcome to Danko Arlington!

Danko Arlington is an AS9100D, ISO 9001:2015 Registered, ITAR & HUBZone Certified full-service jobbing manufacturing company which specializes in military and commercial aluminum and bronze sand castings, 3-D sand, and 3-D plastic printing of rapid prototypes and production parts.

The company operates a pattern shop, foundry, and machine shop in one facility, enabling customers to purchase 3-D models & components, rapid pattern tooling, rapid castings, and CNC machining from one source. Plating, painting, inserts, and light assembly are also provided to finish any part to a final design.

Our team brings the combined knowledge and ingenuity of patternmakers, founders, and machinists, so that your project, large or small, military or commercial, machined or un-machined, will be a complete success!


An Introduction To Danko Arlington
How Castings
Are Made At
Danko Arlington
Sand Casting at Danko Arlington with Stratasys


videocap1Patternmaking videocap2Sand Casting
videocap3Heat Treating videocap4CNC Machining